Flussangeln in Frankreich
von Philipp Ollmann
Vor kurzem zog es mich, wie so oft in der letzten Zeit, an den Fluss um mein Glück erneut auf die Probe zu stellen.
Der Platz muss genau gewählt sein
Bereits im Vorfeld bereitete ich mir meinen Spot mit einigen Elite Strawberry Boilies und ein wenig Partikeln vor. Das Anfüttern im Vorfeld brachte mir in der Vergangenheit die besten Erfolge! Ein paar Tage vor dem eigentlichen Fischen fuhr ich also ins Nachbarland und bereitete das Wochenenden vor.
Endlich war Freitag und ich konnte los ans Wasser
Ich versuchte auf direktem Weg an meinen Platz zu kommen, bevor dieser besetzt war doch da hatte ich den Plan ohne andere Angler geschmiedet. Am Platz angekommen musste ich leider feststellen, dass andere schneller waren als ich.
So ist das im Leben
Leicht geknickt ging es also auf einen Ausweichplatz, welcher nicht unter Futter stand. Ich ließ mich allerdings nicht unterkriegen und richtete schnell mein Camp ein bevor die Ruten raus kamen! Die Nacht brach ein, die Ruten lagen und das Warten konnte beginnen. Eine schlaflose Nacht, wie ich im Anschluss feststellen musste. Durch ein Unwetter, welches im Vorfeld über die Landschaft fegte kam sehr viel Dreck mit der Strömung mit, was mir das Angeln fast unmöglich machte.
Um halb 3 morgens, nachdem mein Rod Pod umgerissen wurde, weil ein Baum meine Schnur einkassiert hat, entschied ich mich die Ruten einzukurbeln und einfach zu schlafen! Es war nicht möglich eine Rute sauber abzulegen und vom Dreck frei zu halten!
Erst mal ausruhen
Am nächsten Morgen hat sich die starke Strömung endlich wieder gelegt und ich konnte vernünftig angeln. Gesagt – Getan. Sofort beköderte ich meine Ruten neu und fuhr sie mit meinem iBoat 260 an die Spots.
Endlich ein gutes Gefühl
Nach einigen Stunden riss dann plötzlich etwas Schnur von meiner Rolle! Yes! Ich wurde belohnt für die Strapazen der ersten Nacht! Nach einigen Minuten spektakulärem Fluss-Drill kam dann endlich der erste Schuppi über meinen Kescherrand geschossen. Was eine Erlösung!!
Der typische Fluss-Schuppi
Nachdem der Fisch versorgt und kurz abgelichtet war, platzierte ich die Rute wieder neu am Spot mit einem einzelnen unauffälligen Boilie. Wie schon erwähnt setzte ich bei dieser Tour auf unsere Elite Strawberry Boilies. Nur wenige Augenblicke später, kaum zu glauben, schoss eine weitere Rute los. Der Fisch steuerte sofort einen versunkenen Baum an, sodass ich ihm mit dem iBoat 260 folgen musste. Nach einigen Fluchten konnte ich ihn dann dennoch einnetzen und konnte es noch gar nicht recht glauben, dass es auf einmal so gut lief!
Ein Flusstorpedo
Andere Rute – gleiches Spiel! Ich beköderte die Rute umgehend wieder neu und fuhr sie auf schnellstem Weg zurück zum Spot! Die zweite Nacht brach an und mein Gefühl war außerordentlich positiv. Wenn am Mittag schon zwei Fische ablaufen, dann müssen in der Nacht mindestens noch zwei kommen! Die Ruten strategisch gut verteilt legte ich mich also in meine Liege und machte mich fertig für die Nacht. Als ich dann am nächsten Morgen plötzlich wach wurde konnte ich es noch nicht so recht glauben, dass alle Swinger noch unverändert unter meinen Blanks hingen! So ist das im Fluss. Manchmal sind die Fische einfach nicht dort wo man angelt. Die nächsten Touren sind allerdings schon geplant und vorbereitet und ihr werdet sicher bald mehr darüber erfahren!
Bis dahin!
Philipp Ollmann
Team Imperial Fishing Germany
Godišnji odmor mi je odavno prošao,ali sam nastavio tražiti šarane svuda osim kod kuće na svojoj matičnoj vodi, na predivnoj, na divljoj, na mističnoj, lokvanjem obrasloj Hesovoj Grabi.
My vacation was long overdue, but I continued to look for carp everywhere except on my home water, the beautiful, the wild, the mystical Hesova Graba.
I onda je došao i taj dan, konačno je odluka pala idem odloviti i Hesovu Grabu, aliiii moram priznati na to me najviše natjerao meteo alarm koji je predviđao nevrijeme najvišeg stupnja i velike količine kiše tako da su rijeke i neka jezera otpale u startu poradi nošenja stvari i opreme kao i vožnje po kojekakvim poljskim putevima i stazama koji bi završili i koji jesu završili puni vode i blata kroz koji se više ne bih mogao vratiti par dana, možda bi to bilo i dobro… u biti ne možda već bi, ali ipak su tu i obitelj i posao tako da sam se ipak okrenuo ka Hesovoj Grabi, divljoj, a ipak dostupnoj.
And then the D day came, I finally decide to go fishing on Hesova Graba, but I have to admit, the meteorological alarm, which predicted the highest degree of storm and heavy rain is responsible for such a decision. Lakes and rivers are no longer option, because of carrying things as well as rides on all the field roads and paths that would be full of water and mud through which I could no longer return for a couple of days-maybe that would be good … in fact it would, but still there are family and work to do so I turned to Hesova Graba, wild but yet accessible.
Samo ukratko da napomenem, Hesova je stari rukavac najduže Hrvatske rijeke, rijeke Save, dužine nekakvih 850 metara i u prosjeku širine oko 60 metara. Voda je pod režimom ulovi i pusti od 1.1.2012 godine za sve vrste riba. Neki od ulova su som od 44 kg, Štuka 106 centimetara, bas 52 centimetra, kao i šarani i amuri jako blizu 20 kilograma,a ima ih i većih samo što ih je jako teško uloviti pošto je voda puna granja, panjeva i posebice lokvanja, pa te debele ribe uvijek uspiju izmigoljiti iz ruku zahvaljujući tom stanju u vodi. Napominjem i to da se voda ne poribljava već je fond ribe u biti skoro stalno jednak i da na Hesovoj ribe ne iskaču same na obalu, ponekad Hesova jako obilno nagradi nas ribolovce, ali je poviše puta i jako škrta, a takva je zadnjih 20-ak dana. Ulovi se koji lijepi, debeli i tusti amur, ali šarani štrajkaju, no to mi ne smeta jer su ribe već velike i sve ih je predivno za vidjeti u kadici i u rukama,a potom i na fotografijama kako šarane tako i te velike i debele amure. Priprema je pala koji dan ranije jer sam izrolao podosta boila i to od dva miksa, jedne od Imperial Baits gotovog miksa Carptrack Monster-Liver Mix, a druge isto tako od gotovog Imperialovog Carptrack BIG Fish Mixa. Kada su boile bile gotove “okupao“ sam ih u IB Carptrack InLiquidu ,a potom ih posipao sa IB Carptrack inP, a potom sve dobro izmješao u vreći i to je bilo to. Mirise i arome nisam želio dodavati jer je sam mix vrlo intenzivnog i punog mirisa i htio sam baš ovako “gologa“ isprobati.
To put it briefly, Hesova is an old arm of the longest Croatian river, the Sava River, about 850 meters long and about 60 meters wide on average. Water is under catch and release regime for all fish species since 1.1.2012. Some of the catches are catfish of 44 kg, pike 106 centimeters, bass 52 centimeters, as well as carp and amur very close to 20 kilograms, there are bigger ones which are very difficult to catch as the water is full of branches, stumps and especially the puddles. so these fat fish always manage to get out of hand thanks to this condition in the water. Just to mention that the water is not stocked, but the fish stock is almost constantly the same and that on Hesova Graba fish do not jump out to the shore,sometimes Hesova very abundantly rewards us fishermens, but often is very stingy ;its been like this for the last 20 days. Some nice, fat amur can be caught, but carp are on strike-that does not bother me because the fish are already big and they are all wonderful to see in the tub and hands, and then in the photos, carps and those big and thick amur. The decision was made a few days earlier when I rolled a good deal of boilies of two mixes, one of Imperial Baits ready mix Carptrack Monster-Liver Mix and the other from ready made Imperial Carptrack BIG Fish Mix. When the boilies were done, I „bathed“ them in IB Carptrack InLiquid, then sprinkled them with IB Carptrack inP, and then mixed everything well in the bag and that was that. I didn’t want to add scents and aromas because the mix itself is very intense and full of scents, and I wanted to try it „naked“ like this.
Poslije noćne smjene dolazim na Hesovu, polako se vozim putem i uživam u ljepoti te stare mrtvice. Dolazim na poziciju broj 15 koju često lovim jer je najdalje na grabi i najviše je izolirana. Na poziciji je blato i to dosta jer se voda nema dugo povukla sa pozicije i svjesno se smještam na nju znajući šta još predstoji tokom noći, no kako često znam reći “krv, znoj i suze“.
After a night shift, I come to Hesova Graba, slowly ride along the road and enjoy the beauty of that old dead river. I come to the position number 15 in which I often fish; because it is the farthest on the Hesova and is the most isolated. There is a lot of mud in the position because the water has not withdrawn from the position for a long time and I consciously settle on it knowing what else is coming up during the night, but as I often say „blood, sweat and tears“.
Jedan štap zabacujem pod noge,desno od mene u sam lokvanj ispred starog potopljenog drveta, a dva štapa preko pod nagnuti jasen.
I drop one rod under my feet, to my right into the puddle in front of an old sunken tree, and two rods across the sloping ash.
Na dlake stavljam po dvije boile 18 mm iz prihrane napravljene od IB BIG Fish Mixa, na drugi štap dvije boile od IB Monster-Liver mixa dok treći kombiniram sa po jednom boilom od obje vrste.
I put two 18mm boilies from the feed made from IB BIG Fish Mix on the hairs, and on the second rod two IB Monster-Liver mix boils, while the third one combined with one boile of both types.
Kobrom iskobram oko kilogram boili preko pod jasen,a oko pola kilograma u lokvanj desno od mene. Iako uopće ne koristim šator dok nisu minusi vani, ovaj puta sam ga uzeo jer su rekli te vrlo obilne padavine pa da ne čućim ispod kišobrana lakše mi je ipak sa šatorom jer je tu i uobičajena količina stvari jednog šaranaša. Prošlo je nekakvih 3-4 sata kako sam došao i morao sam već jednom prebacivati jer američki somići napadaju boile na sistemima kao ludi, mislim si, dobro je to sada, ali kada počne padati biti će zanimljivo. Zbog tih somića odustajem i od IB Carptrack Amino Dipa i od Gela koji su se pokazali odličnima,ali sada mislim da somići još jače napadaju kada su Dip i Gel na boilama. Odjednom me u mislima prekida bip,bip,biiipp,bip. Skačem i podižem štap, riba je gore, a veselju nema kraja jer kako sam napomenuo riba zadnjih dana jako loše prima, mislim da su je “ubile“ ove velike vrućine.
I cobble about a pound of boilies under the ash, and about half a pound into the puddle to my right. Although I do not use the tent at all until the temperature are in minus, this time I took it because they said very heavy rainfall so that I do have to squat under the umbrella (it is easier because there is the usual amount of stuff from one carp hunter). It’s been about 3-4 hours since I came and I had to switch once because American catfish attack boilies on systems like crazy, I mean, it’s good now, but when it starts to frain, it’ll be interesting. Because of these catfish I give up from both :IB Carptrack Amino Dip and Gel which have proven to be excellent, but for now I think catfish attack even more when Dip and Gel are on boilies. Suddenly a beep, a beep, a biiipp, a beep breaks me in my thoughts. I jump and lift the rod, the fish is on, and the joy has no end, because as I mentioned the fish bites very badly in the last few days, I think they were „killed“ by these high heat.
No na moje još veće iznenađenje ne da lovim amura koji tu i tamo primi već lovim predivnog tamnog ljuskaša, pitomog ali ljuskavog šarana bez ikakvih oštećenja bez da mu i ljuska fali, predivno!
But to my even greater surprise, instead of caughting amur-sometimes is caught- I caught the beautiful dark husky, the gentle but scaly carp without any damage,even no shell is missing; Wonderful!
Slijedi fotografiranje i puštanje ribe,a potom sve prebacujem i malo pomalo dovršavam kamp. I kada sam taman nekako završio sa spremanjem, dolaze do mene Moslavec i Sreč, prijatelji iz ribolova i čim su došli opet bip,bip. Nema biiiiiiii… jer su role namještene na tvdo da mi riba ne pobjegne u granje. Podižem štap i mislim da imam šarana na udici, priznajem, pogriješio sam, ali kada sam ribu dovukao do podmetača vidim i zašto. Je, amur je, ali debela, lijepa, velika riba. Uopće se ne bunim na ovakve ribe. Moslavec me fotka i hvala mu ovom prilikom na lijepim fotkama, a onda puštanje ribe i zabacivanje tog štapa.
It´s time for the photo shooting and a realising the fish, then I throw again everything and finishing the camp. And when I have just finished everything, Moslavec and Sreč, my fishing friends came to me and as soon as they came again beep, beep. There is no biiiiiiii … because the rolls are mounted on the tvdo so the fish does not escape to the branch. I raise the rod and think I have a carp on a hook, I admit, I was wrong, but when I brought the fish to the coasters I can see why. Yes, it is amur, but fat, beautiful, big fish. Im not complaining for catching fish like this at all. Moslavec is photographing me and thanking him at this occasion for nice photos and then letting go fish go and throwing that rod again.
Dok sam u vodi namještao henger, odjednom zpišti bip,bip,bip na štap desno od mene na 7-8 metara daljine, slijedi skakanje i trčanje oko štapova kroz vodu do tog štapa gdje je bio griz. Dečki se ne mogu načuditi kako imam griz na tako blizu, a još gazim po vodi . Iskreno i mene je griz iznenadio jer sam ipak koju minutu prije, tu na par metara daljine od zabačenog sistema izvukao ribu i poslikao se u vodim sa njom, no to očito ribama u lokvanju ne smeta jer eto pokazalo se da se tu osjećaju sigurnima. Ta riba mi ulazi u granje dok sam kroz vodu optrčao oko štapova, pokušavam je nekako izvući, ali odjednom olovo izlijeće i riba slobodno odlazi, a ja ostajem iznenađen, em sam imao već tri ribe do sada, a riba loše prima ovih dana, em sam imao ribu dok sam bućkao po vodi i to na jako blizu. Ta riba koja mi se otkvačila kao da je sve okrenula naopako, naime poslije te ribe imao sam još jedno otkvačivanje, a potom i kidanje najlona u granju. Noć je protekla uz obilne padavine i jednostavno nisam ni želio izlaziti na takvu kišu da bih prebacio i stavio druge boile. Na poziciji potop.
While I was setting up a henger in the water, it suddenly beeps beep, beep, beep on the rod right from me, which is thrown 7-8 meters away.I was jumping and running around the rods through the water to that rod where the bite was. Guys I can’t help but wonder how I got a bite on this close, and I’m still treading water. Honestly I was surprised by the bite, because a few minutes ago, a few meters away, I pulled the fish out and took pictures with it the water, but obviously the fish in the pond do not mind, because it turned out that they felt safe there. This fish enters in branch as I run through the water around the rods, I try to somehow get it out, but suddenly the lead leaks out and the fish goes freely. I’m left surprised, I’ve already had three fish so far, the fish bites badly these days, I had a fish while I was buzzing on the water and in very close from the coast. That fish that has loosened up had turned everything upside down, namely after that fish I had another loosening and then tearing of the nylon in the branch. The night was heavy with rainfall and I just didn’t want to go out in such rain to throw rods again and put on other boilies. There was a deluge in position.
Tek u jutro kada se sve smirilo vadim štapove, a sistemi izgledaju otprilike ovako, male vodene zvijeri su učinile svoje.
In the morning ,when everything calmed down that I throwed rods, and the systems looked something like this, little water beasts do their thing.
Prebacujem i poslije kratkog vremena dobivam još jednog lijepog pitomog šarana kojega fotkam i puštam.
I throw over and after a short while I caught another nice tame carp, took some photos and release the carp.
Nalegnem se u krevet i gledam sve to silno blato i razmišljam, imao sam šest riba na štapu,a samo tri sam uspio izvaditi, na žalost. Jako loš prosjek i to obično nikada ne bude tako, ali šta je tu je, a onda mi kroz glavu prođe misao kako nitko mislim već oko dva tjedna nije ulovio šarana, a ja sam dva i zasigurno imao još barem kojega od ona tri griza, pa kako može biti nego savršeno. Krv, znoj i suze! Na kraju da rezimiram. Na dva štapa preko zabačena pod jasen imao sam dvije ribe, na Monster-Liver jednu i na kombinaciju Liver i BIG Fish boile jednu, a na jedan štap pod mojom obalom u lokvanju imao sam četiri ribe i sve na boilu izrađenu od Imperijal Baits BIG Fish Mixa. Prvo sretanje sa ovim mixevima i boilama je prošlo savršeno! Pozicija pod nogama.
I lie down into bed and watch all that mud and thinking, I had six fish on a rod and only three I managed to pull out, unfortunately. A very bad average, and it usually never happens, but it is how it is, and then the thought goes through my minds:no one had caught a carp for about two weeks, I had two and certainly had at least one more in those three bites. so how can it be than perfect. Blood, sweat and tears! Finally, to summarize. I had two fish on rod under the ash tree, one on Monster-Liver one on a combination of Liver and BIG Fish boile , and on one rod under my shore I had four fish in a puddle, all made on Imperial Baits BIG Fish Mixa. The first meeting with these mixes and boilies went perfectly! Position under your feet.
Kiša i cvergli su me ubili, ali, superrrr!! Kiša nije smetala puževima koji su plazili na sve strane. Kao ni malim somićima koji su petljali sisteme i ljuštili boile.
Rain and catshfishes killed me but,greatttt !! The rain did not bother the snails crawling all over. As well as the little catfish that rocked systems and peeled Boilies.
Poslije dva dana posla nisam mogao dočekati da se opet uputim na Hesovu i probam opet odloviti jednu noć da vidim što će pokazati još jedan kraći ribolov jer nadam se da ovo što se desilo dva dana prije nije slučajnost, premda vrijeme nije na mojoj strani temperatura je opet otišla u nebesa i već je dva dana temperatura preko 30 stupnjeva celzijevih. Opet odlazim na poziciju broj 15 i sada malo drugačije zabacujem,ovaj puta dva štapa zabacujem pod noge u lokvanj, jedan lijevo, jedan desno, a jedan preko pod jasen. Naravno kombinacija boili je ostala ista IB Monster-Liver na jednom BIG Fish na drugom i kombinacija ove dvije boile na trećem štapu. Stvarno je jako malo vremena prošlo i već imam griz, bip,bip. Neizbježno skakanje u blato i vodu, slijedi prekrasan snažan dril i ubrzo u lokvanju saćim krasnog pitomog ljuskavog šarana koji se polakomio za kombinacijom dviju boila, Liver i BIG Fish boile od Imperial Baitsa. I u to vrijeme taman do mene stižu prijatelji Leon i Emanuel i pomažu mi pri fotografiranju, naravno pomalo se i glupiraju, ali su super dečki, hvala im na fotkma.
After two days of work I couldn’t wait to head to Hesova Graba again and try to catch one more night,to see what another shorter fishing would show, because I hope that what happened two days before is no coincidence, although the weather is not on my side. Temperature went to heaven again and for two days the temperature was over 30 degrees Celsius. Again I go to position 15 and now I throw a little differently, this time I throw two roda under my feet into the puddle, one to the left, one to the right, and one across under the ash. Of course the boilie combination remained the same IB Monster-Liver on one rod, BIG Fish on the other and the combination of these two boilies on the third rod. Really very little time has passed and I already have a bite, a beep, a beep. Inevitably jumping into the mud and water, followed by a beautiful powerful drill and soon in the puddle Im caughting beautiful tame scaly carp that craved for a combination of two boilies, Liver and BIG Fish boilies from Imperial Baits. And at that time, my friends Leon and Emanuel are coming to me, and they help me with my photography, of course they are a bit silly, but they are great guys, thank you for the photos.
Ništa se nije događalo osim što je Lucky lovio žabe, kao šta su ih lovile i zmije,a ja sam uživao u raskoši boja životinja i prirode.
Nothing happened except Lucky was hunting frogs, just like snakes did, and I enjoyed the splendor of the colors of animals and nature.
Mislim da je bilo oko 18 h kada sam imao još jedan griz pod nogama lijevo od pozicije i uspijem uloviti još jednog predivnog pitomog maloljuskavog šarana. U biti skoro sve je odradio Emanuel jer sam išao maknuti auto sa pozicije, dok sam se vozio on je izvukao ribu i poslije me pofotkao, hvala Emanuel!
I think it was about 6pm when I had another bite on the rod under my feet to the left of the position and managed to catch another beautiful tame juniper carp. In fact, almost everything was done by Emanuel because I was going to get the car out of position. While I was driving, he pulled the fish out and took pictures of me and fish later, thanks Emanuel!
I to je bilo to za taj dan. Ribe više nisu bile raspoložene, a na večer su cvergli poludjeli i napadali su sve živo u vodi, sistemi nisu mogli izdržati niti dva sata u vodi i to me ubijalo poslije noćne smjene i napornog dana. Nakon nekog vremena jednostavno sam odustao i više nisam prebacivao do jutra. U jutro sam nabacao i nakobrao boili, ali sam morao ranije doma i ništa se više nije desilo, mislim da je vrućina odradila svoje i opet se riba smirila. No opet prezadovoljan kakvo je stanje na Hesovoj i kako se skoro ništa ne lovi. Ovaj puta dva griza i dvije prekrasne ribe, super!! I opet se kvaliteta boili pokazala, naravno na dobro odabranom mjestu.
And that was it for the day. The fish were no longer in the mood, and in the evening cathfishes went crazy and attacked everything alive in the water. The systems could not stand for two hours in the water and that killed me after a night shift and a busy day. After a while I simply gave up and didnt throw rods until the morning. In the morning, I threw boilies, but I had to go home early and nothing happened again, I think the heat worked out and the fish settled down again. However, Im is still pleased with the situation at Hesova Graba, since almost nobody is catching nothing. This time two bites and two wonderful fish, great !! And again, the quality of boilies proved, of course, in a well-chosen place.
We love to fish!
Good carping!
Team Imperial-Fishing Croatia
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