Wizetackle – here we go!
Die innovative Baitneedle 3 in 1 – Vorverkauf ab sofort zu einem erstaunlichen Preis von nur 12,90 €!
Ihr werdet Augen machen! Die innovative Baitneedle gibt es aktuell ausschließlich bei WizeTackle zu erweben. Für IB Fans oder solche die es werden wollen, auch mit Special IB Offers in Kombination.
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Das IB Set inkl. der innovative Baitneedle von WizeTackle jetzt zum Monsterpreis stehen 4 Sets stehen zur Auswahl:
Hier der Carptrack Crawfish im Bild
oder doch den neuen IB Mega.Krill abchecken der derzeit in alle Munde und Mäuler ist?
Du hast die Qual der Wahl, was die Farbe anghet und ich bin sicher du entscheidest dich richtig – just do it!
Good Luck, max nollert
Catchreport Team Imperial-Fishing Spain
This nice common carp interrupted me at meal time in the Orellana reservoir, making me go in and search for it on the iBoat260. A great fight against a strong wind made me enjoy it to the fullest. In this session, as in the majority, I was accompanied by my brother Juan. At Orellana, in the month of March we have no doubt in the choice of bait, IB Crawfish and IB Elite always accompany us. They give us confidence, and they love it. It is a time of the year in which the fish need to gather strength, so a good handful of well soaked 15mm balls accompany our assemblies. This carp ate a 20mm Crawfish Flying Hookbait mounted on a ronnie rig.
The carp of the session! This specimen closed a complicated session, in which the big IB baits made a difference and opened the appetite of some pretty inactive fish.For me, the Elite is a bait that I like a lot because it selects the size of the fish. In winter and autumn we always use it, since it is at this time of the year when it can help us achieve great specimens. On the hook I use a Rambo Hookbait on a D-Rig mount accompanied by 10 or 12 baits split in half.
Maximum care with the captures. After the spring months the fish find themselves with very little strength and in a worse state than usual. Therefore we must have more care and respect with them. A good way is to use floating retention sacks to prevent damage and also to heal the spawning wounds. This is something that all fishermen must take into account, the handling of fish is even more important than knowing how to capture them. This beautiful 29lb common carp wiped out the Scopana.Love feedlot. This bait has shown us that it is the most effective in Orellana when the water temperature increases.
Whenever I visit Orellana with my brother Juan in Autumn, the strategy, according to different conditions, is usually similar. Each one fishes his swim, but it is usual to put a HBlock between both posts, in which we initiate a priming of baits when we arrive. We love to compare our opinions and work as a team. In 4 days we were able to use a 5kg bag of Scopana Love. The nights were producrive, therefore in the mornings we always added more baits to the feedlot. Among so many catches at this point, the third night we were surprised by this nice common carp of 34lb. What I like most about Imperial Baits is that the weight of catches increases with the number of fishing days. WE LOVE TO FISH!
This fish shows that with patience, good baits and trust the results arrive alone. I was in the swamp of Orellana, next to my brother Juan, in the month of September. The activity of small fish was being too exhausting, fish of 18-22lb that prevented our sleep. The next morning, with a loaded coffee in hand, I started looking for a solution. With the help of my Lowrance 5TI I searched for a deeper area where there was not much activity of small fish. A hand full of IB Banana 20mm together with a small corn would form the assembly, which was accompanied by a kilo of boilies of the same flavor in 16mm (Banana). 42 hours later a great race made me reach the rod, with which I could enjoy capturing this beautiful 41lb common carp.
Have you ever been crazy when you go fishing? I always like to do it with one of my rods. For me this is the essence of fishing, that adrenaline when the race makes that alarm scream. In this case the madness was trying to fish just 10 meters from my bank…something that I always like to do in orellana. When the air hits your shore the fish come to eat there in search of food. It seems impossible to capture them so close … but it’s real. I left my mount on a ledge off the shore less than 1 meter deep …. and at midnight piiiiiiiii …. this strong and common fighter of 31 lb.
Victor Sosa Gomez
Team Imperial-Fishing Spain
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