Imperial Fishing goes UK…
UK B2B Magazine Angling International
is reporting in his present issue as follows:
Top German bait manufacturer, Imperial Baits, has produced an English language catalogue and will be attending one of the country’s top carp shows as its looks to establish itself in the UK.
The company has taken a booth at the Carpin’ On event at the Five Lakes Resort, in Essex, on March 2 and 3 where it will be looking for retailers to take on its comprehensive range of carp baits.
It will be the company’s second appearance at the event following its debut there in 2007.
Imperial Baits Owner, Max Nollert, told Angling International:
“The reaction to our baits was very positive and we established a distributor in the UK, but the arrangement was shortlived as he moved to Spain and that left us without a proper supply chain. However, we know that anglers like our products and we believe there is a market out there for us. The UK is one of the biggest carp markets in Europe, but it is not an easy one to break into because there are a lot of very good companies out there.
But we do not scare quality and we do not have to hide anything from our range!”, said Max Nollert.
Imperial Baits will have a big presence at Carpin’ On and has booked a 21sqm booth to gets its message across.
Nollert added:
“We have to market the product right and make sure that people know we operating in the UK. Our big focus at the show will be presenting our products and promoting our 76-page English catalogue.
Within the next 12 months we would like to have attracted a network of exclusive distributors across the UK to whom we can offer a quick delivery service of fresh bait. We can deliver to the UK within two days and can offer our customers a very good quality and price.”
Imperial Fishing English Catalogue 2013 OUT NOW!
Or click here to download the PDF file
Imperial Baits will also be launching its new Uncle Bait ‘The Boilie’ at the show.
Max Nollert said: “Our aim with the latest development was to create a boilie with a price of around €10 per kilo, but which included as many of the highest quality ingredients as possible. No boilie is complete without the inclusion of ingredients such as Lactalbumin and Eggalbumin which are important to assure a high quality product. The boilies also guarantee a short cooking time combined with the use of BPS (Boilie Protector Spray). Low cost, inferior substitutes are not welcome in any kind of Imperial Baits’ boilies,” added Nollert.
“Uncle Bait ‘The Boilie” is the best example of a cost-orientated product that includes the most effective ingredients and has only one aim – to catch as many carp as possible – or let`s say it better: Catch fish like crazy!”
Tel: +49 6541 818500
Imperial Fishing Company Presentation
The Imperial Fishing Main Hall
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How does it work with the boilie production at Imperial Baits?
The most important things in making a high quality boilie which is trimmed on successful fishing are attractive and fresh Ingredients and their recopies!
Max Nollert and his creative team around Imperial Baits determine and obtain from the start in 2004 each recipe component, so every meal and every flavour from which the highly successful Carptrack boilies are produced of are very well and critically selected. In the meantime their stock count around 250 places for Europallets and store a huge amount of fresh ingredients as well as fresh boilies and all other tackle whose production is accompanied by Imperial Fishing such as inflatable boats, rods, lines, rod pods, accessories etc.!
Imperial Baits Mix Machine
Mounting of a second hall 2010/2011
End of 2010 the decision was made to build a second large hall and not without a good reason.
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The iBoats should arrive…
After many months of development work, Max Nollert and his Team published blueprints for 4 special inflatable boats – the iBoats have been born!
These 4 models are specifically designed and adapted for the requirements of carp fishing, no Allroundboats for any purpose should be well understood!
The four sizes 160, 260, 320, 400 help carp angler in its best way to catch carp!
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Just in time for the 3rd January 2011, the construction was completed and the newly developed inflatable boats arrived.
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Before the shipment to the customer all iBoats v2.0 go through a sensitive quality check!
The second hall today
Today, the second hall has over 120 additional pallet places foriBoats and baits.
The extra space helps us to be ready at all times for every big order to deliver reliable and quickly in all countries of Europe…
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Imperial Fishing/Imperial Baits has distribution and sales to 12 European countries.
They put a lot of energy in numerous trade shows, a customer-driven marketing, weekly powerful iBlog updates etc…
But producing and sending out the goods to customers, besides various online activities, in addition to the creative and scientific work on the boilies are the main daily work for max nollert and his team.
And IB is reaping fruits of this.
The award „best bait manufacturer“ has now been awarded two times after 2007/2008 also in 2011/2012 by the readers of the biggest german carp magazine.
In addition the Carp Mirror Tackle Award “best german fisherman“ was given for the period of 2011 and 2012 to Max Nollert.
Carp Mirror Award for „best bait manufacturer“ 2011/2012
Carptrack baits are fished with great success by thousands of carp anglers in Europe.
We look forward to the great feedback of our work and are always motivated to do exactly so on.
max nollert & Team
Carp Expo Germany
23 Februar 2013 in Berlin
Mit unserem bisher größten Messestand von sage und schreibe 21 x 3 m, erwarten wir Euch auch dieses Jahr auf der Carp Expo Germany 2013 in Berlin (Paaren im Glien)
Mit im Gepäck haben wir die brand neu eingetroffenen iBoats v2.0 in sämtlichen Größen
(160, 260, 320 und 400)!
Dazu unsere neuen Highlights: DVD Carp Total vol 2, Uncle Bait, Skulp Carp, Worm Up Range und das Endtackle Programm von Carp’R’Us sowie die WELTNEUHEIT in Sachen erstklassigen Karpfenrute: „max nollert Temptation Twin Tip“ inklusive Wechselspitze!
Alle Messeangebote auch online!
Wir erwarten Euch voller Vorfreue!
Der Carp Expo Germany Hallenplan für 2013 steht!
click to entlarge
JETZT MITMACHEN – nur noch bis 28.02.2013!
Expo Review Carp Italy 2013 – Gonzaga
Die größte Messe Italiens und eine der größten Karpfenangler Messen überhaupt,
besticht durch ihre ganz spezielle Atmosphäre.
Die eher schlauchförmig angelegten, nicht überdimensionierten Hallen, ergeben stets eine gewisse Form von Gemütlichkeit.
Die Messe zählte satte 12.000 Besucher (eigenen Angaben zur Folge hatte Zwolle die gleiche Besucherzahl) und ist für uns auf Grund des enomren Wohlfühlbonus die absolute Nummer 1!
Da kommt auch Montlucon nicht mit…
Die angenehme Stimmung sorgte bei den Besuchern für ein super Messeerlebnis!
Interessante Gespräche, überraschende Wiedersehen sowie der ein oder andere Abverkauf,
sorgten auch bei den Veranstaltern für vollste Zufriedenheit.
Den Rest der zwei Tages-Messe erzählen die folgenden knapp 70 Bilder, die zum größten Teil Francesco Cammisa und Max Nollert festhielten.
Elena Antoniucci, die sich erst am 04.01.2013 für das Carp-Girl 2012 Voting bewarb.
Am Ende landete Sie auf einem tollen zweiten Platz!
Auf der Messe verteilte Sie mit viel Charm zirka 5.000 Kataloge!
Im Auftrag von Hobby Pesca di Morini Eugenio –
Der Uncle Bait Check!
The Art of Rig! Carp’R’Us Fachgesimpel!
Monica di Morini behielt stes die Übersicht!
Francesco Cammisa erklärt den großen Nutzen von Carptrack Proteinkonzentrat.
Eugenio di Morini, der Mann ohne Perrücke, Chef von Hobby Pesca de Aquari
Uncle Bait alias Stefan Istas, konnte auch ohne italienische Sprachkenntnisse viele Aktzente setzen.
Gute Boilies brauchen keine Sprache!
Oder doch? Stefan Istas und sein kurzfristig anberaumter Adjudant.
Stefan machte sich die Sprachkenntisse des begeisterten italienischen Imperial Baits Fans zur Nutze und stellte ihn kurzer Hand für die ein oder andere Erklärung an seine Seite.
Vielen Dank!
Alessandro und Elena
Rod Art by Imperial Fishing – powered by Hand!
Auch bei dieser Messe genießen die Ruten eine exponierte Stellung, sie sind eben etwas Besonderes!
Und bieten neben höchster Qualität wohl eines der besten Preisleistungsverhältnisse.
Temptation MKIII in „Drill Action“
Die Besucher waren immer begeistert, wer sie erstmal in der Hand hat, lässt sie nur ungerne wieder los!
Äußerst erstaunt war dieser Kunde über die Aktion der IB Multirange
Rätselraten: „Wie kann sie das leisten bei einem so geringen Gewicht von knapp unter 300g!“
Andrea fühlte sich am Uncle Bait stand auch sehr wohl…
Renzo – immer nah am Köder!
IB Kiosk auf italienisch
Alessandro macht den Worm Up Check
Sandro und Monica
Bei der Vergabe des exklusiv Vertriebs für Carp’R’Us hatte Hobby Pesca am Ende die Nase vorn!
Andrea Lodi – immer freundlich IMMER!
Sorry für die Bemerkung, aber ich glaube er lacht auch im Schlaf 🙂
Beppe – just Beppe!
Beppe führt vor: Häufig die Carptrack Amino Gele!
Wieviel Papier er zur Reinigung brauchte, könnt Ihr Euch sicher vorstellen…
Carp’R’Us finally in Italy!
ATS Cranked Hook von Carp’R’Us
Mangare Uncle Bait 🙂
Francesco Cammisa
Uncle Bait „The Drug“!
Auch in Italien gibt es Karneval
Carp-Girl Elena und ihr wunderschönes Tattoo,
passt zu Uncle Bait dazu!
Elena und Monica
Italienischer Keramik-Karpfen
Beppe der Verführer!
Ob er so am Rande des Saint Cassiens stand als er Bernadette mit 29 kg fing?
Renzo – Bier – Ende!
Special interesting Links
Tamás Csörgő & Team – Winner of big Hungarian Carp Cup with the help of Worm Up Boilies!
5. Top Secret Carp Cup – Team Imperial Baits Place 1 and Place 2 out of 26 teams!
Big One Gallery – more thant 80 carp over 25, 30, 35 and 40 KG, caught on Imperial Baits!
Fisch und Fang article: Die Arbeit eines Boilies – von Max Nollert
Carp Mirror article: Interview aus dem Jahre 2011 – mit Max Nollert
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