10.000 iRock Gripper gerade frisch eingetroffen!
Nicht nur der zweite Teil der Messesaison steht in den Startlöchern, bald geht’s richtig los!
Einführungs- und Messeangebote:
10 + 1!
20 + 3!
30 + 5!
Hier geht’s in den Onlineshop!
Sind die nicht süß? 🙂
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iRock VS Lead Gripper!
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Lac Du Der in Summer
from Jurgen and Glenn
Lac Du Der-Chantecoq is located in the Champagne region (dep. Marne) and is the largest artificial lake in Europe. With its 4,800 hectares it is gigantic. So, to be able to catch carp on a regular base, you have to spent and invest quite some time and research to get to know the lake. About 8 years ago we fished the lake for the first time. During these years every session, whether it was a good or a bad one, was a session with the purpose of learning as much as we could. During all this time we learned a lot about holding areas and swimming routes of the carp in certain periods of the year…
This little blog is about our latest session in 2016.
On July 22 we loaded up the car for a one week session…
So you see, soon or late success is right around the corner if you just persevere.
Tackle mountain 🙂
Lac Du Der we are coming…
This time of the year the waterlevel is still quite high and therefore is not the best time of the year to fish the lake. But armed with the IB Birdfood Banana boillies…
…we were up for the challenge once again. And somehow we more and more were getting the feeling that a lot of the pieces were coming together!
We fished the area a few times in the past so we knew the peg very well.
But the info that we gathered about it the last 2 years made us extremely efficient and after a few hours the rods were in the water.
Ready to take off!
The first night we caught 2 common carp, not the biggest ones but obviously very welcome as it was also a confirmation that there were carp in our area.
That is so important at Du Der! The 2nd night results in 2 carp again.
During the day, however, we could not fish because of the presence of many predator anglers.
Night 3 and 4 were a disaster because we had a lot of catfish, bream and lost some carp in tree stumps and weed beds.
Unbelievable how the euphoria can change to complete disillusionment. To avoid the catfish, we decided to change tactics and feeding strategies. As of now, we wouldn’t bait up the rig anymore besides a little hand of freebies. This way a carp could eat the spot quickly without being distracted by large catfish that roam a heavily baited spot which atracts a lot of bream and such too. In the evening, when putting out the rods we suddenly saw a lot of carp jumping at a distance of 370m.
We decided to have a look where the carp were jumping and found a massive weed bed with some hard spots on the bottom. Even while investigating the weed bed the carp were jumping like crazy. Never seen such a big shool of carp going crazy, incredible. During the following night we had several takes again and caught a massive common of 22,7kg.
What a beautiful fish!
The other carp were smaller ones, but the change in tactics worked. We didn’t caught catfish anymore. The last 2 nights we had 4 takes per night and caught another 2 massive commons. They were 20,8kg…
…and 23,8kg and had a lenght of 1,15m. Super nice fish of incredible lenghts.
What a massive body!
Potential for much more than 23,8kg!
We caught quite some carp this summer-session. The biggest fish were 23,8kg, 22,8kg and 20,8kg. Then the weight dropped to 14 kg. After some previous sessions that were extremely hard because of losing fish, bad fishing weather etc we were incredibly happy with this session.
We love big water!
Tinca in the late sunlight
The great end of a „battle“ night!
Visit the Camp – Hi Frg 😉
We were more than happy!
Common fighter!
Lac du Der – its unbelievable fishing here!
IB Birdfood Banana boillies made it again!
Back to your freedom… Maybe we see us again! 🙂
Time to go home, but we will be back, that is for sure!
Jurgen and Glenn
Team Imperial Fishing Belgium
Der Frühling naht – und ihr habt noch keine Idee welcher Boilie es sein soll?
IB Carptrack Monster’s Paradise Boilie – unsere Stinkbombe, die verfehlt kein Karpfen! Vorsicht im Auto, Eimer immer schön zulassen!
Das iBoat GEN4 – Dein Partner für die neue Saison!
Welche Größe ist Dein Favorit? Klick hier!
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Das Frühjahr kommt – hier ein „HOTMAKER“ iBlog Update zu diesem dicken Laichfisch!
Das Flackschiff iBoat 320 green
Brad on ice!
A good start in the new week to everybody!
Brad Smudzinski
Zu guter Letzt…
IB shows the flag – all over the world!
Greetings from Hungaria!
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