Wichtige Info zum aktuellen Paketversand bei Imperial Fishing:
Aus noch ungeklärten Ursachen hatte es GLS leider weder am Montag noch am Dienstag geschafft unsere Versandpakete bei uns ab zu holen. Der inzwischen recht groß angewachsene Berg an Paketen wurde nun heute Mittag abgeholt. Als kleine Wiedergutmachung und kommerzielle Geste hat GLS nun alle Pakete die am Montag und Dienstag bereits zur Abholung bereit standen auf GLS 24, sprich als Expresspaket umgelabelt. Wir bitten die verzögerte Zustellung zu entschuldigen.
Team Imperial Fishing
English Catalogue 2015 – 96 pages – OUT NOW!
We promise since 11 years‘ quality at the highest level in the carpfishing sector.
Quality and functionality are always our top priority!
This applies to our highly attractive boilies and additives as well as for our entire program with iBoats, tackle, rods, rod pods, lines, clothing and much more.
On 96 vivid pages we present the complete range of chosen products on which you can count while fishing for carp.
Two possibilities to look at the new catalogue directly:
1. Click here to scroll online through the new Catalogue 2015
2. Click here to download the complete PDF file
Carp in Focus – Sonderaktion
GRATIS Jubiläumsausgabe bei jeder Imperial Fishing Bestellung ab 100 Euro!
ACHTUNG: Das Produkt muss eigenhändig in den Warenkorb gelegt werden!
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht!
KLICK HIER um zur GRATIS Carp in Focus Ausgabe zu gelangen!
My Monster Carp
from Ladislav Gemer
Hi at all iBlog readers,
Finally I got time to send you a catchreport about my last fishing trip. I spent one great week on a Hungarian lake. I knew it will not be easy and that I will have to try and test different tactics. That lake is very deep with many obstacles but I managed it quite well at the end. In the first two days I was loosing some fish on these obstacles but afterwards I found out how to deal with this. I caught 19 carp with an average weight of 14.5kg. Two Carp with a weight of 20.+kg, one carp 19.5kg, three with 17.+kg and five with 15.+kg.
I used IB Carptrack Worm Up Boilies and Monster-Liver Boilies.
My hookbaits were all coated with Carptrack Liquid-Powder Paste and it worked the best!!!
On top I coated some paste hookbaits with Monster’s Paradise Amino Gel
In addition I fed some Liquid-Powder Paste coated bottom baits to every hookbait!
Good morning world!
And here is my incredible monster carp with a weight of 29.25kg!!!
Liquid-Powder Paste did the job again!
Great stuff where I trust in – Carptrack Boilies & Additives
Nighshot with a Monster-Liver lover!
The weather was sweet… summertime in hungary!
Common carp which I caught between the reed…
I got him in the late afternoon… as always on Liquid-Powder Paste coated hookbaits!
One day the weather changed a little bit but with my „JOKER“ Liquid-Powder Paste I caught carp also on colder wind.
Worm Up Boilies bring me also good results like this big common…
The last one before the wind blews every cloud away and…
…and sun + carp came out 😉
I wish you all good luck and many BIG ONES!
Ladislav Gemer
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