CARP AUSTRIA 2015 – der IB Konvoi zieht Richtung Österreich!
In wenigen Stunden geht für unser IB Messeteam die Reise Richtung Wien / Vösendorf.
Freitag errichten wir für Euch den 15m langen Imperial Fishing Messestand und freuen uns wahnsinnig auf Euren Besuch!
Mehr Infos zur Messe – KLICK HIER!
Rückblick Wien / Vösendorf 2014 – KLICK HIER!
Videorückblick Wien / Vösendorf 2014
Unsere „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ Kollage wächst und wächst,
wann bist Du dabei und gewinnst das iBoat 160?
Wir verlosen Christopher Paschmanns iBoat 160
+ Buch KARPFENZEIT, handsigniert + CRAWFISH Baitpacket + iMAG
Einsendeschluss ist der 20.12.2015
Und so geht’s:
1. Bei all unseren Packeten liegt aktuell der „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ Sticker bei. Alternativ kannst Du bis zu 5 Aufkleber kostenfrei anfordern – Mail an: info@imperial-fishing.de
2. Sende uns Dein Selfie mit dem „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ Sticker zu.
3. Werde im großen „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ BIG PICTURE verewigt und lande damit automatisch im Lostopf für das iBoat 160 + Buch KARPFENZEIT von Christopher Paschmanns.
Einsendeschluss ist der 20.12.2015!
Der Gewinn ist pünktlich zu Weihnachten beim Sieger!
Gesamtwert über 600 Euro!!!
Und so kam es zu unserer Aktion:
Extremangler, Buchautor und Marketing Manager bei Korda Europe, Christopher Paschmanns tauscht sein geliebtes iBoat 160 gegen ein brand neues iBoat 210 im Realtree Style ein. Nachdem Christopher jahrelang sehr zufrieden mit dem iBoat 160 an Gewässern in ganz Europa unterwegs war, ist nun Zeit für ein Boot in einer Nummer größer und frischem Design.
Roadtrip through southern France
from Luka Blazic
For this year’s France trip together with my friend, we decided to do something different in summer 2015. The plan was to fish three to five different lakes/rivers, depending on how we felt about it. On the end we fished four different places, one of them was a small river. In the following 85 pictures you can read more about our road trip and how it went…
Let’s start deep into my journey!
We arrived at the first lake in the morning
Time to search for promissing spots
After that we took with us, as little tackle, as possible
Build up the camp
And prepare the hookbaits! I swear on IB Carptrack Liquid-Powder Paste!
It brought me a lot of fish in the past…
I chose Imperial Baits Carptrack Fish…
…and Worm Up boilies!
In addition I pimp the hookbaits with IB Carptrack Powder!
This will fix the focus of the carp directly on my hookbait!
After hard work, finding spots and placing rigs, it’s time for the waiting game
Nothing new after the first night
The bite alarms remain silent, when the second morning came
I’ve managed to walk arround for a few hours and explore the lake…
…and during my explornig I met a guy…
…who was there for 5 weeks, without a take!!!
The decision was made after 48hrs of fishing…
…it was time to move on!
On the road – the tour de France road!
After a few hours, we arrived at the second lake
Time for some rig tying
Prepare my IF Multirange rods for action!
I’m using them for over two years now and I can honestly say, I love them. It’s parabolic action makes it perfect for a boat rod!
Because of the crab presence, I had to mesh up the hookbaits.
And sometimes even that wasn’t enough.
Getting the camp ready, again only the minimum tackle
Berries grew behind my rods
Enjoying the scenery
Crabs everywhere!
I put all my faith in Worm Up, it’s ingredients (lots of naturals) makes it perfect, when you are competing with nature.
My friend was over the moon with this one. It took us over one hour to land this 35kg+ catfish!
Other then one smaller catfish arround 15kg, my alarms remained silent.
Conditions were getting better and better, my hopes were getting high before the last night on the lake!
My iBoat is always ready for action!
Bomben alarm – the carpsack is full!
And finally HE came!
The fish of the lifetime – 28,2kg!
See you my old warrior!
Enjoying the scenery
It’s time for get the rods out and move on
Packing up the camp, we went over this drill four times
On the road again
Driving to the next mission!
The next water was waiting for us!
Tackle in, tackle out, car was a mess all the time…
We had to try our luck on a small, but very scenic river!
Because of the bottom structure I optem for hinged stiff rig with 16mm pink V-pop,
dipped in Uncle bait dip & gel
I took some time and tied a few rigs
My choice of hookbait on both rods!
Fishing for a day on this small river was a whole new experience!
Once more…
…the waiting game begun!
I tought I would relax in a chair – most of the day!
…but then the first take came 🙂
I don’t know why, but Gard de peche said, I had to go in town to purchase ticket, eventough I had license for whole year for whole France.
When I got back, I had one take after another
Stock in this strech of river, consists of mostly small commons…
…I had them up to 9kg!
They were all good fighters!
And it makes a lot of fun to drill them on the IB Multirange!
We took late afternoon off fishing and took time for tourism!
In the evening we were in the car again, towards our final destination…
First glimpse of the lake
It’s time for a little exploring!
Preparing the bait, I always take tigernuts to complement the boilies.
Boats loaded, long drive is ahead of us!
After two hours, we were almost there
It took me the whole afternoon to find good looking spots
And then I went after the routine of rig tying and choosing hookbaits
I like a white eycatcher!
For this I always use IB Carptrack V-Pops white!
We kept low profile
New lake, new hopes, alltough I knew my chances were really small
We were hoping for more sun…
…during last two days of our tour!
I was catching up on some books, SSJ was a really good read!
I got up really early, you just can’t oversleep this.
The beauty and greatness of this lake is undescribeable.
No words…
Saying goodbye to the lake.
Loading the boat for the last time.
Blue lagune, we’ll meet again!
Fishing so many waters in such a little time period was hard and we were really exhausted on the end of the trip. All the driving arround, didn’t make things any easier. But on the other hand, it was great fun fishing different types of waters and we agreed, we would do it all over again without any hesitation. On our way back home, we were already planing our next french adventure…
Luka Blazic
Team Imperial Baits Slovenia
Messeangebote im Onlineshop!
Unter folgendem Link haben wir für Euch 40 Messeangebote online gestellt, die Ihr im Shop und auch auf den kommenden Messen erwerben könnt.
Wir freuen uns auf die CARP AUSTRIA in WIEN / VÖSENDORF!
max nollert & Team
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