Big Cassien Update mit Tomas Blazek and friends
Hallo liebe Newsleser.
Wir sind zurück aus dem Betriebsurlaub und starten jetzt wieder richtig durch. Ich hoffe Ihr hattet einige schöne Fänge in den letzten zwei Wochen und seit nun wieder heiß auf die Updates. Heute habe ich für Euch ein großes Cassienupdate mit Tomas Blazek und seinen Freunden. Er und seine Freunde hatten innerhalb 10Tagen mehr als 170 Runs und fingen über 120 Karpfen, aber das alles lest Ihr ja in seinem Bericht.
Natürlich nicht zu vergessen das Karpfenangler-Partyevent 2009. Hiermit möchte ich alle recht herzlich zur Fusionsparty einladen.
Hier die wichtigsten Informationen:
Jan – The News Maker
Tomas Blazek and friend
Dear Max,
before few days I came back from ten days trip on Lac de Saint Cassien. I was there with four friends because we wanted to do a DVD about summer Cassien.
Cassien was full of water and temperature was about 27 degrees. Because I know, in summer time there are most of carps there in north arm, we spreaded ourself there. I wanted my friends have as many takes as possible, because they were on Cassien for the first time. My friend Martin with his girlfriend was on the first point near by bridge and Robin with our cameraman Marcel was in the central part of North arm. I was sitting near by end of North arm near by barrage. Robin had first run after 30minutes after first cast and than we started with unbelievable series of runs and fights. The best depth was about 15 and 17metres because of crayfishes and bullheads. These small eaters were really active in depths up to 10m. It was necessary to feed a lot! About 20kg of particles and 10kg of boilies per day for four rods. Another four rods we put down on different places only with 1kg of boilies and one hand of tigernuts. Carps were really active and ate a lot so the well pre-baited place was more effective and the biggest fishes we caught from this place, too. The best Boilies for us was 2x
Carptrack ELITE Strawberry Boilies soaked in dip and covered with
Carptrack Amino GEL ELITE Strawberry and Carptrack Monster-Liver Boilies in size 24mm + V-Pops soaked in Carptrack Banana Flavour and covered with Powder paste.
I caught a lot of carp with 20mm V-pops soaked in Banana flavour and covered with Powder paste. This combination is my favourite on St. Cassien and it works well every time!
On the rigs we added small PVA bags with Carptrack Amino Pellets 4mm soaked with Banana flavour.
Every Boilie soaked with Carptrack Liquid and covered with Carptrack Powder worked extremely well and fast. Regarding our set-ups – we was fishing with braided lines Visible Touch with last 30meters of strong mono Shock it 0,70mm. Our hook links were tied with Clearwater fluorocarbon 25lbs or coated link Stripper by Carp R Us. Main part of our rigs was phenomenal Longshank Nailer hooks from Carp R Us. I think that these hooks are the best for using on St. Cassien. We didn’t lose any carp!!! Together we had more than 170 runs for ten days and we caught more than 120 carps (+catfishes and few breams).
35 carps were bigger than 15kg and five of them were heavier than 20kg. The biggest one was fabulous 23,2kg mirror. Beautiful gold common named Gold Orfel (he is mixed with koi carp) was for me the most valuable catch of this session. A lot of fishes which we caught I know and I know that this carp are in winter heavier about 2-4kg! Another fishermans on St. Cassien were really amazed by our result.
Good luck!
P.S.: Thank you Cassien!
Die Hakenköder ummantelt mit der Liquid-Powder Paste.
im PVA Netz im Einsatz.
Die Liquid-Powder Paste in kompination mit dem PVA Netz.
Die Paste erstellt man aus dem Carptrack Liquid und dem Carptrack Powder
Der Hakenköder wird mit der Paste ummantelt.
Hier im Einsatz das Carptrack Amino DIP ELITE Strawberry und das geniale Carptrack Amino GEL ELITE Strawberry
Der Hakenköder nach ein paar Stunden im
Carptrack Amino DIP ELITE Strawberry
Big One Carptrack Powder
Und Carptrack Liquid
Überraschung im Gartenteich
Stefan Istas kam zu Besuch um auf dem 66. Geburtstag meines Vaters etwas mit der Gitarre zum Besten zu geben.
Dieser Karpfen ist duch Federvieh vor einiger Zeit in dem Gartenteich meiner Eltern gelandet, was für ein Zufall!
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…kommen schon bald. Ein toller Sommerurlaub liegt hinter uns und wir haben einiges zu berichten.
Ich wünsche uns allen noch weiterhin viel Sonne!
max nollert
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