12 hours driving, for 3 days fishing!
from Elena Antoniucci
Driving 12 hours for a 3 days trip is crazy! I like to call it a great adventure where the passion and the desire to fish pushes you beyond the limits of physical exhaustion and brings you everytime to explore reality news. In this case, our goal is one of the most renowned waters of Europe for the amount of big carp and beautiful landscape that you can enjoy.
Ready to start! The iBox filled with IMPERIAL BAITS!
So without realizing it one morning in the summer I’m on a pier of Lake Bled to observe a carp that swims arround. The decision was clear and I fed this spot near the pier throughout the day. The Carptrack Monster-Liver Boilies went to the bottom on two steps in 6 and 10 meters depth. Before I fed them I added Carptrack Liquid, Liquid Amino, NHDC and Frankfurter Saussage Flavour to make them even more attractive!
CT Liquid & Powder – the special PIMP!
A Monster-Liver Flying Hookbait was on the hook, CRU Centurion 2000 and I decide to pop it up to 5 cm over the bottom. The second trap was composed with a 20mm Pop Up of Cartrack „Carp Total!“ as always mounted on the hook CRU Centurion 2000.
„Carp Total!“ Flying Hookbait, CRU Centurion 2000 & CRU Smooth Braid
I trust on it 🙂
To precise the fishing style I also used PVA bags filled with pellets and boilies. The day was quiet and the carp do not want to take the bait. So waiting for a bite in the evening but nothing happend… For the second day we decided to move to an area with many fallen trees in the water where you can already see the carp very early in the morning.
We saw also a beatiful Koi carp!
The history repeats itself as the first day, the carp are there and you can see but they are not interested in the food! In the meantime Alessandro makes a tour of the lake trying to find any signs of carp feeding stage and comes back with good news: the hotel zone has noticed many jumps and he talked to a Slovenian guy who caught 2 nice carp. At 23 o’clock we return to the Camping and prepared the carpfood for the last day!
Here comes our third and final day of fishing and we can not afford to make mistakes. I decided to fish about 30 yards from the shore on a rocky bottom that goes down to 10 meters deep. I baited with boilies pimped with additives like Carptrack Liquid and Powder and use the same to create pva bags that will end up near my traps!
The morning passes quiet and in the early afternoon we noticed many carp signs on our spots! The night comes and we hoped for a take! The time of our short session was running to the end. But we don’t lose our hope and finally the baitrunner starts a crazy run and I grab my Imperial Legend Carp 3lb and fought against a beautiful mirror that cannot resist the attraction of the „Carp Total!“ Flying Hookbait.
A few minutes later Alessandro caught a beautiful carp too but a little bit smaller than mine 🙂 hehe! Incredible! We waited three days and the last 10 minutes of fishing we were able to capture two beautiful fish 18 and 20 kg, we returned to Italy really happy and thanks to Imperial Baits we got our success!
Elena Antoniucci
Imperial Baits Ladies Team Italy
„Carp Total!“ – die neue Boilie-Dimension von Imperial Baits!
Anlässlich des 10 jährigen Jubiläums von Imperial Fishing, entwarfen Max Nollert und Julian Jurkewitz eine ganz neue Boiliedimension!
Der neue Boilie „Carp Total!“ wurde nicht etwa in 9 Monaten geboren,
sondern in satten 10 Jahren!
In absoluter Stille erschufen wir einen zehnten Carptrack Boilie der schon bald in aller Munde sein wird – bei Karpfenanglern wie bei Karpfen!
Was hätte man besseres zum 10 jährigen Jubiläum entwerfen können, als den Mix der 9 besten Carptrack Boilies? Die Antwort auf diese Frage überlassen wir Euch selbst!
Um welche neun Sorten es dabei geht, erkennen Sie an den Farben der Buchstaben im Begriff „Carp Total“.
Die gesamte IB Carptrack Boilie Power in einer Kugel!
Insgesamt beinhaltet der neue Boilie 61 Zutaten – davon 44 trocken und 17 flüssig!
Das ist nach unserem Wissen einzigartig am Boiliemarkt!
Der Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Boilie besteht aus einem Blend (Mischung) aller neun bekannten Carptrack Boiliemixe, zu exakt gleichen Teilen.
44 verschiedene, hoch attraktive, intensive und zum Teil sehr wasserlösliche Trocken-Rezepturkomponenten bilden eine Boiliemischung der Superlative!
Verfeinert mit Carptrack Additiven wie Carptrack Liquid, Powder, inP, inL, Liquid Amino, GLM – fullfat, NHDC – das Original sowie den extrem intensiven Power Powders, beinhaltet der „Carp Total!“ Boilie jede einzelne Komponente, die uns und tausenden Kunden seit 10 Jahren zu enormen Fangerfolgen verhelfen.
Abgerundet wird der Boilie mit allen 17 verschiedenen Carptrack Flavourn, ätherischen Ölen und Liquids, die eine einmalige und nie dagewesene Geruchs- und Geschmackskomposition bilden – Carptrack in Concert!
Sein Geruch und Geschmack ist unbeschreiblich!
„Carp Total!“ DER Karpfenköder mit den meisten Attraktoren – der stärksten Lockkraft.
Viel Erfolg, max nollert & team
„Carp Total!“ Boilie:
2 kg Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Boilie – 20 mm (61 Zutaten!) = 28,90 €
5 kg Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Boilie – 20 mm (61 Zutaten!) = 69,90 €
8 kg in iBox Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Boilie – 20 mm (61 Zutaten!) = 114,90 €
„Carp Total!“ Dip & Gel:
150 ml Carptrack Amino Dip (42 Zutaten!) = 12,90 €
100 g Carptrack Amino Gel (39 Zutaten!) = 12,90 €
„Carp Total!“ Pop Ups:
100 g Carptrack Flying Hookbaits (61 Zutaten + Pop Up Zutaten) = 10,90 €
100 g Carptrack Half’n Half (61 Zutaten + Pop Up Zutaten) = 11,90 €
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