Marco Bertaglia – Imperial Baits Team Italy
Hello IB friends,
Since many years I use IB Products with confidence and big successes. Many of my friends and even I enjoying this excellent products.
One of my favourites: Elite Strawberry Flying Hookbaits & Worm Up Amino Gel
I’m a carpfisher since I was a kid and over the years I have enriched my experience a lot. Fishing in many large lakes of north Italy, France and Austria brought me excellent results with different carp over 20 kg even in extreme sessions.
Due to my journeys in different european countries I met many carpfishers and learned different styles of fishing. Italian, French, British or German carpfishing is often completely different.
Over the last years I have spent some time for diving with mask and study the carp to have a better idea for feeding techniques also in winter times!
Now I’m 33 years old and I spend about 60/70 nights a year for fishing. I also planned for 2015 to spend two weeks a month in fishing, so I can live in full my irresistible urge to water, nature and CARP.
I speak English and I’m a fan of photography, so you will see some special picture shots in the future! I hope to bring my contribution in the famous IB Team, working with passion, professionalism and respect!
Good luck to all!
Italian Uncle Bait icecream 🙂
Imperial Baits – the art of bait!
My latest catch!
Marco Bertaglia
Team Imperial Fishing Italy
Brad Smudzinski – Imperial Baits Team Germany
Welcome to Imperial Fishing: Brad Smudzinski
Max Nollert: „I am really happy that you are with us and appreciate each minute when we shared our forces to match a great expo in Montlucon, following in Graz and as well as your fantastic „Brad`n Burger Bar“ at our 10 years jubilee party. You are what a teamplayer needs to have and give. Even that you live so many years in germany – your US boy manners are well visible and very welcome and give us an additinal good „smell“ in the Imperial Fishig Team.
Good luck and tight lines, max“
klicken zum vergrößern / click to enlarge
Hi, fellow carping addicts.
My name is Brad Smudzinski and I am an American born in New York. I came to Germany in 1995 as a US Army Infantry soldier and was stationed in Grafenwoehr Germany.
In 1997 I was married to a great German girl and in 1998 our son, Jake Lee was born. I have loved Germany since the first day I arrived and have decided to call it home for as long as I can. I recall taking a bus from the airport to the hotel and seeing all the natural beauty of the area. Rolling hills, green pastures, and trees for miles. I am a child of nature and it is outdoors and on the water where I feel most comfortable.
In 2009 I finally went through the process of getting my German fishing license through the Army and German authorities. Once I began fishing here in Germany I was once again “infected” with the fishing virus I had as a child. Every free moment was spent on the water. I read every magazine about fishing I could find, watched all the DVDs and simply surrounded myself in the German fishing culture. It was not long before I discovered carp fishing at the local club I belonged to. Fascinated at once with all the gear and the size of the fish I quickly found a mentor and focused on carp alone. I came across Imperial Baits at some point in my learning period and was really satisfied with the results. Monster’s Paradise became my go to boilie and I found the dip to be the hammer!
As there are few Americans who carp fish I soon found myself as the “go to man” when other US Boys had questions about carp angling. In 2010 I attended a course at the Bayrische Fischerei Institute where I became certified to instruct and license US Army soldiers to obtain the German fishing license.
Instructing lessons…
…with IB Starterpacks for everybody!
I also became a fishing warden on the Army base and was eventually elected as President of the Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting Club. With a presence on the Army base as an instructor/warden/ and President of the club I was able to develop a strong social media backing and worked my way with some sponsorship to the 2013 World Carp Classic at Lake Bolsena in Italy.
It was there where I first met Max. I introduced myself to him and explained that I thought there was a market in Germany selling carp gear to Americans stationed in Germany. When I teach a class on the Army base there are 20 newly licensed anglers a course (100 a year). There are always three or four who show real interest in “euro style carp angling”. I take them out for a session, cover the basics, introduce Imperial Baits to them and wish them tight lines.
Max to me, is the perfect type of person to be successful in the industry. He is hard working, a perfectionist, self motivated, has a good sense of humor, and is excellent with people. Too often I find in Germany a poor customer service attitude. Unlike in America where retailers work for your business and work hard to keep you it almost seems as if some euro based retailers act as if we as customers are lucky to have them! I’m not sure if it is competition based or a cultural style. But Max, no- this guy really gets it. An open ear and real concern for what anglers want. This is why I was so happy when he asked me to be a part of his team. This Imperial Fishing crew is not just any group of big fish anglers, but rather a family where all can lean on the other’s strengths. Together the individuals build a top team. I look forward to working with Imperial Baits in the future and appreciate Max giving this American carp angler a shot at the Big Leagues.
Tight Lines,
Brad’n Burger Bar on the 10 years Jubi Party from Imperial Fishing
Brad in Action on the big Montlucon Expo in France
Frank Heller – Imperial Baits Team Germany
klicken zum vergrößern / click to enlarge
Hallo Leute,
ich möchte mich im Folgenden kurz vorstellen. Mein Name ist Frank Heller und ich komme aus Griesheim bei Darmstadt. Beruflich bin ich im Außendienst tätig und zwar in der Gewürzbranche und besuche täglich Metzgereien und Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsgeschäfte.
Vor ca. 30 Jahren begann meine Laufbann, wie bei vielen, am Forellenteich! Mein Schlüsselerlebnis hatte ich an dem gepachteten Teich von dem Bruder meiner Großmutter! Dort durfte ich in den Ferien mit meiner 2,10m Metrorute den Rotaugen nachstellen. An einem sehr regnerischem Tag stand ich bis zu den Knien im Schlamm, mit einer Dose Mais bewaffnet versuchte ich Rotaugen zu überlisten. Immer dann wenn mein Schwimmer vor ein Busch trieb, hatte ich einen Biss! Allerdings waren es keine Rotaugen, sondern „riesige“ Karpfen“ von 2-3 Kg! Seit dieser Zeit war der Karpfen mein Ziel! Viel Zeit, Verschiedene Montagen und Futtervariationen waren nötig, bis ich letztendlich die Boilieangelei kennen und lieben lernte!
Ab da kam mir mein Beruf, mit dem Umgang und den Eigenschaften diverser Gewürze, sehr zu gute. Über viele Jahre, massenweise Literatur und einem sehr guten Freund, habe ich mir ein fundiertes Wissen hochwertiger Köderherstellung angeeignet! So wurde ich auch auf Imperial Fishing aufmerksam, da ich viele der Produkte in meine Produktion einbinden konnte! Auch diverse Gespräche mit Max konnten mich dann letztendlich von der Qualität der IB Produkte voll und ganz überzeugen.
Meine treue Begleiterin Emma ist immer dabei!
Tacklewachhund 🙂
Bei einigen Angeltrips im Ausland, lernte ich die IB Teammitglieder Stefan Istas und Heinz Windeck kennen! So kam eines zum anderen und heute freue ich mich sehr ein Teil dieses starken Teams zu sein.
Alle Fragen die Ihr noch an mich habt, beantworte ich Euch gerne über Facebook oder persönlich auf den Messen am Uncle Bait Stand!
Ich freu mich drauf!
Euer Frank Heller alias Uncle Bait
ACHTUNG: nurnoch 3 Tage gültig!!! Bis Donnerstag den 31.07.2014
„Das Angebot des Jahrzehnts“ mit 25% Rabatt!
„Das Angebot des Jahrzehnts“ war eigentlich nur zwischen dem 23.-26.05.2014 gültig. Wer dieses Datum verpasste, hat noch bis zum 30.06.2014 Zeit das Angebot mit einem COUPON nachträglich zu bestellen. Diesen COUPON findet Ihr in der aktuellen Ausgabe des „Carp in Focus“ und „KARPFEN“ Magazin.
Darüber hinaus wollen wir Euch nun erneut die Möglichkeit geben, „Das Angebot des Jahrzehnts“ bis zum 31.07.2014 mit satten 25% Rabatt zu bestellen!
– 5 kg IB Carptrack Boilie „Carp Total!“ – 20 mm
– 150 ml IB Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Amino Dip
– 100 g IB Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Amino Gel
– 100 g IB Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Flying Hookbaits – 20 mm
– 125 g IB Carptrack „Carp Total!“ Half’n Half – 20 mm
– 1 x iBox 12,5 Liter – Jubilee Edition THE BLACK BOX!
– 250 ml Energy Drink „IF POWER – Racing Edition“
– 1 x T-Shirt – 10 years IF-POWER – Jubiläums Edition (Größe wählbar)
– 1 x Jubilee Sticker
Wir machen es nochmal:
jetzt nur 111 Euro – über 25 % gespart!
Wa(h)renwert mind. 148,79 Euro!
Achtung: Bitte geben Sie am Ende der Bestellung im Kommentarfeld
die gewünschten T-Shirt Größe an.
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