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Uncle Bait – Das Starterpack!
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Uncle Bait – Das Starterpack! = 29,90 €
Starten Sie jetzt mit unserer Uncle Bait Range durch. Dieses Set beinhaltet alle 4 Uncle Bait Produkte (Boilie, Pop Up, Dip, Gel), die in unserer praktischen IB Klickbox inklusive Aufkleber geliefert werden.
Hochwertiger Kratz- und Spülmaschinenfester Logodruck.
– 1 kg Uncle Bait „The Boilie“ (Größe wählbar 16 o. 20mm)
– 40 g Uncle Bait „The Pop Up“ (Größe wählbar 16 o. 20mm)
– 50 ml Uncle Bait „The Amino Dip“
– 30 g Uncle Bait „The Amino Gel“
– Uncle Bait Aufkleber
– Imperial Baits Klickbox – das Original von Buchsteiner
Achtung: Geben Sie bitte bei der Bestellbemerkung (am Ende der Bestellung) die gewünschten Boilie und Pop Up Größen an.
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„Give me 5“ – Dips & Gele (freie Wahl) + IB Klickbox + Aufkleber
KLICK HIER und gelange direkt zum Produkt in den Onlineshop
„Give me 5“ – Dips & Gele (freie Wahl) = 39,90 €
5 Dips / Gele + IB Klickbox + großer IB Aufkleber
Fülle die IB Klickbox nach Deinem Geschmack!
5 Dosen nach Wahl!
Bestimme die Sorten der Dips und / oder Gele selbst!
Inhalt frei wählbar:
– Carptrack Amino Dip 150 ml (alle Sorten möglich)
– Carptrack Amino Gel 100 g (alle Sorten möglich)
Achtung: Geben Sie bitte bei der Bestellbemerkung (am Ende der Bestellung) die gewünschten Sorten und Produkte (Dip oder Gel) an.
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Imperial Baits Klickbox – das Original von Buchsteiner
KLICK HIER und gelange direkt zum Produkt in den Onlineshop
Imperial Baits Klickbox – das Original von Buchsteiner = 6,90 €
Die Imperial Baits Klickbox ist perfekt für das Aufbewahren Ihrer Pop Ups, Dips, Gele, Additive, Boilies, Pellets oder Partikel geeignet. Sie ist ebenfalls für Aufbewahrung und Transport diverse Lebensmittel wie z.B. Ihrer Snacks für unterwegs, vorgesehen.
Die Imperial Baits Klickbox wird von dem weltweit renommierten, deutschen Unternehmen „Buchsteiner“ hergestellt und ist selbstverständlich bestens für Mikrowellengeräte und Spülmaschinen geeignet.
Für die Ewigkeit ins Plastik gepresst – kein Verkratzen möglich!
24 x 20 x 8 cm
Zu zweit perfekt stapelbar in der 12,5 Liter iBox!
Far away from Home
from Fabio Manzetti
Approx 2500 km crossing through Italy and France – since 16 days far away from my home – 50 kilos of boiles – 25 kilos of corns – it’s the main thing that we should never miss – PASSION!
Only with big passion we can do such a situation…
I spent long time and put all my efforts on the preparation of this big trip, especially because I was alone. Mainly I turned my attention on a special bait that since the beginning of the year has given me great satisfaction! I prepared my Worm Up Mix with different liquid components that I like to suggest to everybody: 6 ml Bloodworm, 5 ml Oriental Spice and 20 ml Liquid Amino per kilo!
I had always with me a bait that I never forget: the Elite
…and of course the new „Carp Total!“ Boilies. The destination was two lakes in the south of France. Its a so beautiful country that I love so much and it offer me magic moments every time.
I arrived at the first lake:
Difficult situation… strong wind and only few people on CARPFISHING not satisfied: bad news! I tried to find a good place but later after 6 days and with only one bite which I lost, I decide to change the area and find a new place where the wind blows not so strong, in the barrage direction. I believe that is very important, in such a situation, never to stay on the same place but search and follow the fish.
I find a better solution, sheltered from the wind and with a lot of fish jumping arround. That means the fish are moving. In this new place I find a Plateau that rises suddenly from 25 m to 10 m. I feed plenty with self made Worm Up Boilies and Tigernuts. Perfect choice for the next 4 nights.
Fortunately I get two carp!
The satisfaction was very high for such a difficult lake and where everything was locked…
Fish stop to eat and I move to another place in order to meet one friend with which I spent my vacation last year in France during a carp tour. It was a pleasure to meet him again improve our friendship and mainly and most important share our expertise, techniques and tactics on this discipline.
Together we decide to spend few days in another lake, my last days of vacation.
I decide to face this place with a complete different strategy from the past. Thanking to Carp’R’us I have some Stiff link of 50 lb, Smooth Braid with 45 lb and my favorit hooks Centurion 2000 or Gladiator in size 2 or 4. Due to many many rocks, mussels and snags into the lake and clever fish I prefer fishing with strong material. In this cases we have no other solution if you want to reel in a fish – a big fish!
After we arranged everything, the night comes and the magic moment for CARPFISHING arrived to us: a beautiful night-sky, it was a cold night with shooting star to express a wish that I never expected to become true.
I use three different types of baits:
Carptrack Elite, Monster’s Paradise and „Carp Total!“ all in 20 mm, all together on only one spot, whole and fragmented. In order to get fast into fish I decide for a 10th baitpimp with Carptrack Liquid Amino, Carptrack inP and GLM full fat…
During 5 days and 4 nights we caught many big fish that made us smile and made us dream!
And finally we did SPLIT THE BIG…and shared our passion!
In the cold night!
Common POWER!
When we contend with these long session of Carpfishing, the state of mind influence a lot but thanking to my family support and Italian friends encouragement till the end of this adventure.
During my trip back I think to all happened during this vacation, all stories and with great smile and big sense of life, I open the door at home …”Welcome back Fabio”… AND I’D LIKE TO GO BACK ON CARPFISHING!
…and now the biggest CARP from this great Trip!
Fabio Manzetti
Team Imperial Fishing Italy
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