Tomsen, der aus den Eimern lebt!
Und schon ist ein weiteres neues Video auf dem YouTube Kanal von Julian Jurkewitz zu finden. In diesem Video erzählt Dir Thomas Keutman alias Tomsen oder Mr. Pimp, wie er aus nur 3 Eimern (iBoxen) heraus lebt. Er gewährt Euch einen tiefen Einblick in seine Eimer, seid gespannt was sich darin verbirgt! Begleitet wird das Video von zwei wunderschönen Fischen, die Tomsen Mitte März 2017 fangen konnte.
Gute Unterhaltung wünscht Euch
Jukke & Tomsen
Spring is coming!
from Wojtek Ozimek
The Winter is going away! I looked out the window, it was getting warmer. I can’t stay any hour longer at home! I had to go carpfishing! Unfortunately a lot of ice still covered the gravel pit near my house. When ice melted I immediately went fishing! I talked with some anglers but they said: fish are not active.
I took the challenge!
I was ready at 7 am. I transported quickly all my tackle to the peg and i placed my rigs into the water.
I planned long distance catching witch PVA (my rig can weight up to 180 gram!). I choose the best solution in this situation: Imperial Baits “Max Nollert Temptation MKIII 12ft 2,75-3,25lb“ This rod is ideal for long range casting but is sensitiv when we have the fish on the hook. The perfect combination!
My Rig style for this session!
For the bait I have chosen: Imperial Baits Cold Water Monster-Liver. This bait works perfect in cold water conditions. I should not overfeed the fish so i used Amino Additives to invite the nose of the carp!
That was very close!
I prepared PVA with crushed Monster-Liver Cold Water Boilies, they work imamediately in water! I spend two days at deeper part of the gravel pit. On the first morning temperature was about -4’C.
In the first night I caught two fish. 8 kg and a small mirror.
A beauty!
Bye bye my friend!
In the early spring every fish counts double! 🙂
See you again!
In the next days weather was very good! Verry sunny and hot. Temperature at night was above zero. Fish activity in this part of water stopped. I packed all my equipment and I moved five pegs further. I have a lot of hard trees in the water. I put my rig only 10 meters far from them.
Evening comes and I have the first run!
In three hours I caught four carp! 9.2kg, 10kg, 500g and realy beautiful 2kg! I want to catch this small fish when it has a weight over 10 kg! 🙂
Imagine that fish in a few years! Really beauty!
Last hours of my session but I was still motivated! I got two other fish and I was verry happy!
I have some tips for your season start:
the water temperature is very important! You have to look for any fish activity! Be mobile and don’t be affraid to change your peg! Use IB Carptrack Additives and less carpfood! Don’t use a lot of boilies and pellets! You have to invite the carp to take your hookbait and not feed them to much!
My session goes to the end…
I caught a lot of fish in this session and it was my best springtime start ever!
See you soon! Have a very successful season start!
Wojtek Ozimek
iBoats Generation 4
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Bild von Jurgen Lievens
Thorsten Illig auf CATFISH Tour am PO!
Thorsten ist aktuell am italienischen PO unterwegs und stellt den Welsen nach. Er meldet, dass die Bedingungen aktuell nicht einfach sind, dennoch konnte Thorsten ein paar „Nacktschnecken“ überlisten…
Da lacht das Angler-Herz!
„Manchmal darf es auch der Wels sein, bevor es in Kürze mit den Karpfen losgeht!“, meldet Thorsten…
Ein fettes Petri an alle Angler!
Thorsten Illig
Team Imperial Fishing Germany
Der ideale Köder für die aktuellen Temperaturen:
Durch ihre speziell für niedrige Wassertemperaturen entwickelte Zusammensetzung, arbeiten die Cold Water Boilies jetzt absolut hervorragend!
Jurgen Lievens aus Belgien angelt aktuell am Kanal und setzt auf:
IB Carptrack Banana Cold Water Boilies!
Welcher ist Deine erste Wahl?
– Monster-Liver Cold Water?
– Monster’s Paradise Cold Water?
oder Birdfood Banana Cold Water?
Fotos von Jurgen Lievens
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