One week at Lac de Salagou
from Zsolt Bundik
In the first week of April I was at the Lake Salagou. Unfortunately my tour before wasn’t so successful, because the weather was very bad. It rained for three days and strong southeast wind blew from the sea, so I was not able to fish on the first three days. My tent and my boat were damaged due to the wind.
I planned my tour for eight days, but due the weather I escaped from the peninsula where I fished, on the sixth evening when the wind calmed a little. I cut the cords and I left the buoys on the lake. Fortunately I could fish for three days and I managed to catch three carp, they were 13, 10, 16, 17 and 19,50 kg.
For the tour I took with me Imperial Baits Carptrack Monster-Liver, Elite and Elite-Strawberry boilies.
The water was 10 °C, so I fed only with 20-30 pieces of boilies per buoy. My fishing was more difficult because of the rain, wind and the lot of seaweed, which was situated in front of the side. Unfortunately it was a vicissitudes of tour, but I liked the Lake and its area, so I will come back in December.
Let’s show the pictures…
When I arrived this scenery received me
Getting the tackle stuff ready
The boats are packed, we can start to find a place
I’m going towards the fishing places
At this time I was very very hot to start fishing – I had many many many kilogram of baits in my boat (you never know), I think its quiet nice to see 🙂
I just finished the camp, when it started to rain
During my fishing tour there was a strong wind
This time I used Imperial Baits Carptrack Monster-Liver, Elite and Elite-Strawberry
I started fishing on the third day on the water
I drove to the fish to get him in the net!
The first fish was a 16,7 kg carp
I was very happy:-)
After the fish, I brought out my rod quickly
Than I fed a few pieces of boilies again
The rods are ready to catch!
I took some landscape photos when the wind calmed down
The lake and its environment is very nice
My fishing place from the height
A little beautiful bay from the others
There were great cracks in the mountains
It was hard to have enough with the scenery – I felt in love 🙂
After the excursion I came back to my fishing place
The early wake up fish!
The next carp pulled my rod away!!!
Went to the water and start to tire in 🙂
I was very happy again, the next one was in my net.
Finally at the bankside to weight the fish and take some pictures.
I came for him! 🙂
The biggest fish on my tour was 19,50 kg
Over the moon!
Good by and see you again in december!
have a nice time on the banks!
Zsolt Bundik
Team Imperial Fishing Hungary
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