We love to fish!
from Elena Antoniucci & Alessandro Bonifazi
„We love to fish!“ is a fantastic video clip from our Imperial Baits Lady Elena Antoniucci and his boyfriend and IB Italy Teammember Alessandro Bonifazi which shows their lifestyle carpfishing.
My „BIG“ Autumn, part I
from Stijn Praet
Autumn, as we all know the most interesting period of the year to go chasing carp. Carp need to feed themselves to get through the winter. I hate this time of the year. When I see the farmers around my house, cutting off their fields with corn, I get depressed. For me it means winter is coming pretty soon. The colours of the leaves are changing, to fall down and get absorbed by the earth. Winter is too long in Belgium. And therefore my autumn never ends. I keep on fishing here till mid december. Then I go fishing in the south. No time to loose when you realise your life will be 10 times too short for all the things you want to do.
Carpfishing is freedom!
A few months ago I fished some short instant sessions on smaller lakes in my region. A lot of carp came out. Some evenings produced up to 14 fish in 4 hours! Nice for a while, but with carp up to 13kg cool but not really satisfying – I had a BIG autumn fish in my mind.
Time for a change!
Togheter with Jurgen Lievens and Glenn Labie, 2 Belgian IB members, we decided to go fishing seriously on a 30ha public lake in our region. This lake is not easy and pressured due the whole year. A lot of different depths and hot spots doesn’t make things easier. Respecting the anglers that are already feeding and fishing there eather.
Jurgen and Glenn made several years ago a map of the water with the “sidescan” technology. So that made it a lot easier to find the right spots. A plan was made. We started feeding every day on 4 different plateaus, with a depth of 6,5m.
As boats are not allowed on the lake, we need to feed with the baitboat on a long distance. So feeding every day is a huge job after a nice walk (you can’t reach it by car) trough the park. We decided to feed 2-3kg of boilies on each plateau. A mixture of 24mm Monster-Liver boilies and 24mm Fish boilies. When we fish we pimp our boilies with the famous Carptrack inP and Carptrack inL.
And the carp love it!
Breams can be a big plague on this lake, but I believe that they send a good signal to the carp. I remember Jurgen catching a bream, putting the rod back in, to get a nice carp 5 minutes later. It is weard but it seems that we always catch fish of a higher layer, or older fish that doesn’t come out often.
During the last weeks we never blanked!
Oeps! I did! I caught 3 nights on a row the breams of my life! I am happy to see my mates catching carp. I don’t mind! 🙂
My beautiful girls!
But last night, it was time for a small revenge!
I changed my lines completely. Put the spools with fluorocarbon mainline on the reels. I wanted to fish a bit more discretely with slack lines. A Carp’R’Us Fluorocarbon Gizmo speed leader is the base of my last meter. The bottom is clean and hard, so I like to use an inline lead, which fits perfectly over the gizmo swivel. Withought having it to fixed, as the lead must go over the swivel when a carp shakes his head. My rigs, I keep them simple but effective. A combi rig, composed with a fluorocarbon stiff rig and 5 cm of Smooth Braid is one of my favorits. A big Continental snag hook (I don’t like small hooks!) and of course a Mouthsnagger Shorty. What I always use is a Quick Hair Stop. These boiliesstopper stays fixed on the hair. Big advantage when you have to change your hookbait during the night, with cold or wet fingers. Because there are a lot of “whitefish” attacking our hookbaits, I wrap them with the Carp’R’Us rapit protection.
No surprises of finding a naked hair in the morning!
I also like using Half‘n halfs as a hookbait. Besides the color (half fluoro/half basemix) carp sucks them in very easy. They are super good balanced and take away the weight of the hook.
Around 3 o’clock in the morning, one of my Carpsounder ROC’s wakes me up. A few beeps. “No not again a f*cking bream”! I put on my waders and walk to my rod pod. Suddenly the fish starts to take line, like in slowmotion. I grap the Temptation rod and feel a good weight on the other side of the line. The fish swims in my direction. But I’m not afraid for a battle close to the bank. These rod’s have an amazing testcurve, good and forgivable at all ranges.
This is another picture which shows you the testcurve!
After 10 minutes playing the fish 20m from the bank, it’s time to net the fish. Full moon and I didn’t want to scare the fish with my head torche on. I pull the landing net closer to me and lift it. What a surprise, what a carp! It’s a big one!!!
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The scale stops at 26kg. Yes!!!!
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I just caught the biggest fish of the lake, and a new Belgian PB mirror!
The “Hoge Staart” or “Big Tail” in English is his name. Why? Watch the size of his tails! They are huge!
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I put the fish in the IB Carpsack, and give it a safe place in deeper water.
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Sitting on my bedchair, and staring at the full moon I say to myself: “I love autumn”!
A few hours later I call Jurgen:
“ Jurgen can you come over to the lake please? And take some beers with you. It’s celebration time”!
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After the pictures we raise our bottles. Chears to friendship, big carp and the “Imperial feeling”!!!
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See you soon, part 2 is in progress.
Stijn Praet
Team Imperial Baits Belgium
from Nejc Prša
Hi dear iBlog readers,
it’s me after a long time. I have been very busy in the latest few months, but anyway I have found some time to fish the best gravel pit in the world (as I like to say). In July and August I was doing my student job, so I was fishing only overnighters. In that time, I really found out how hard and cruel that gravel pit can be. But as the autumn came, I found some more time and I spent propper some time at the water hoping to add another big one into this years collection. And I am proud to say, that I did it! And of course, big thanks to Imperial Baits once more!
Let the pictures tell more about my adventures!
When I was fishing overnighters, I was in hurry to get the rods in before the dark. That resulted with the mess on the picture.
Ready mades, top choice for quick overnighters without pre-baiting! Banana was doing the damage!
Trap is set … now sit back and wait!
I was lucky enough to caught what I think is the smallest carp in the lake.
Like the saying goes: Carp, big or small, I love them all 😛
Let’s dry shit out and get to work.
When fishing quick overnighters I was using the marker rod instead of iBoat, just to be sat as quick as possible.
Feeding strategy was a key! IB Elite Strawberry (on the picture) did the job like expected!
Nowhere without Amino complex!
Translation: Swimming in the gravel pit is forbidden!
Slackline 😉
Feeding the wild ducks can be awesome.
Nothing but Authenthics, oldshool all the way 😀
Drying the net can only mean one thing…
One of the finest…
…treasures from the depths.
I asked him to make me a place to fish and he kindly did it!
Thank you once more my friend!
Having some fun 😀
Waiting game begins!
Home rolled explosiv stickmix, no.1 choice!
The trinity! Liquid Amino, inP and Amino Complex Liquid
These 2 can really be pain in the ass…
Bring the noise!!!
Imperial Baits Multirange 12ft; 2.75lb – finest details like that, make the rod awesome as it is.
I love pasta!
Big Bertha, you filthy animal …
€ € € € €
Pure power.
Multirange – gotta love them!
Piggy, are u hungry again?
Let’s find some spots.
iBoat 160 Small enough and big enough, like I love to say… Who have ever used it will understand 😉
IB white V-pop was the one…
… who bring the fish in the sack!
No words needed! Just another perfection!
Sense of life!
zzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz
Fu*k off dude! I’m sure that was what he tought about.
My grandparents paid me a visit as well. Not bad at all 😛
Every summer has an ending… So did this summer have one!
Home rolled IB Worm Up and IB Fish with black pepper! Thanks Damir and Luka 😉
Worm Up
And so the autumn came…
Let’s take a look at the award … I heared it’s big one…
Restless old carp lady.
Big mama in da houseeeeeeee!
Sorry Meik, I have to do it 😛
Good bye and tight lines till next time!
Best Wishes
Nejc Prša
Team Imperial Fishing Slovenia
Das Ideale Weihnachtsgeschenk für Ihren Partner
Imperial Baits Titanschmuck – by DiverDesign
Über Titan:
Titan ist leicht, sehr robust, absolut allergiefrei, angenehm zu tragen und gibt den Schmuckprodukten eine besondere, technische Note. Durch die Bearbeitung und spezielle Beschichtung der Oberflächen sind
viele Kontrastvariationen möglich, welche ein edles und sportliches Aussehen garantieren. Titan ist absolut korrosionsbeständig. Der Schmuck kann somit immer getragen werden (auch im Salzwasser) und braucht keine besondere Pflege. Durch die Nachbearbeitung der rohen Oberfläche kann mittels Perlstrahlen eine matte, durch Schleifen eher eine glänzende, mittels einem Diamantschwamm eine “kratzmatte“ (crashed) Oberfläche erzeugt werden. Oberflächen-Beschichtungen wie schwarzes PVD erzeugen verschiedene Design-Effekte.
Feinste Details
Die feinen Details unseres Logofisch sind einzig und allein durch das Senkerodierverfahren möglich! Bitte beachte, dass die Fotodarstellung der Ringe, Amulette oder Armbänder um ein Vielfaches vergrößert sind.
Imperial Baits Titanring = 290 Euro – KLICK HIER!
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Imperial Baits Titanarmband = 270 Euro – KLICK HIER!
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Imperial Baits Titanamulett = 260 Euro – KLICK HIER! (Lieferung ohne Collier)
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Wir verlosen Christopher Paschmanns iBoat 160
+ sein neu aufgelegtes Buch KARPFENZEIT, handsigniert
+ CRAWFISH Baitpacket!
und jetzt legen wir auch noch einen iMag oben drauf!
Extremangler, Buchautor und Marketing Manager bei Korda Europe, Christopher Paschmanns tauscht sein geliebtes iBoat 160 gegen ein brand neues iBoat 210 im Realtree Style ein. Nachdem Christopher jahrelang sehr zufrieden mit dem iBoat 160 an Gewässern in ganz Europa unterwegs war, ist nun Zeit für ein Boot in einer Nummer größer und frischem Design.
Gewinne Christopher Paschmanns iBoat 160
+ sein neu aufgelegtes Buch KARPFENZEIT, handsigniert
+ CRAWFISH Baitpacket!
und jetzt legen wir auch noch einen iMag oben drauf!
Und so geht’s:
1. Bei all unseren Packeten liegt aktuell der „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ Sticker bei. Alternativ kannst Du bis zu 5 Aufkleber kostenfrei anfordern – Mail an: info@imperial-fishing.de
2. Sende uns Dein Selfie mit dem „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ Sticker zu.
3. Werde im großen „LÄUFT BEI MIR“ BIG PICTURE verewigt und lande damit automatisch im Lostopf für das iBoat 160 + Buch KARPFENZEIT von Christopher Paschmanns.
Einsendeschluss ist der 20.12.2015!
Der Gewinn ist pünktlich zu Weihnachten beim Sieger!
Gesamtwert über 600 Euro!!!
Ja ist denn heut schon Weihnachten?
iBoat 210 jetzt in grün, camou und realtree zum Weihnachtspreis – 17% sparen!
ACHTUNG: nur solange der Vorrat reicht!
KLICK HIER und gelange zu den iBoat Angeboten!
Wir sind dann mal weg 🙂
Vom 02.-06.11.2015 bleibt unsere Firma geschlossen.
Ab dem 09.11.2015 sind wir wieder für Euch da!
Wir wünschen Euch allen eine erfolgreiche Herbstzeit und viele dicke Herbstkarpfen!
Max Nollert & Team
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